that's what i can screamed out loud bout today. counting down 1 more day to new year's eve, we gotta prepare and buy some stuff for tomorrow. still blur at first on how many person will be joining along. yeah,people say the more the merrier, but in our part, the less the sexier. haha. u gotta play sexy since 2009 is just in front of your door, waiting to be opened. is the day where i had my earliest wake up for the whole year at qyu's house. i promised dimas to have dimsum together and dimsum here is only served at morning. u know when he said morning i thought it would be around 9 or 10 o clock, but apparently his morning is literally morning where it only counts till 9 o'clock the latest. and so he woke me up by calling me in the morning. several miss called untill i finally answered it and got my arse off the bed. he called me at 7.30am man! what do u expect?!?! that's still my dreaming time. haha. i went to eastern with him. nice place, nice food. finally!i can eat dim sum here in bandung!!!!so happy!
been missing malay's dim sum for quite time and im craving over it. and today, i paid straight my crave. love the seaweed roll so much!tho it's not as cheap as malay one and it's not as variate as in malay plus you will have to race with people to get those dimsum u really want from the cart (since we're sitting a bit in the middle where it's always too late for us to get what we want from the cart that we have to ordered it by ourself. lessons to learn:u wanna eat dimsum?sit in the outside row of table dear!), it's still nice tho. so we ate, talked, laughed, ate, and paid the bill. im happy to be able to meet him today. been a while.
anyway, after that makan-makan time, i rushed back home, changed clothes, wrote our shopping list and chao to ciwalk. i actually promised my cousin to karaokeing at 1pm. but what to say. late is one of our middle name. so we started at 2. supposedly we took a small room that can count till 6 person. but it was full booked till 6pm so we decided to take the large room. imagine u having a room where 12 person can fit in but there's only 5 of u there. 3 of u so to say at first. freakin lots of room to fill in right?! tried to call some of my friends but too late already. so there we were, large room with only 5 people screaming from the top of their lungs, singing (mostly me did this) annoyingly catchy songs. here's the karaoke-ing gank...
dea(lost her glasses), my cousin Dila, freaky me, curly qyu, idil (clueless look).
and the Most annoyingly catchy song of the day is.. KANGEN BAND-DOY.
try to listen to it guys, freakin stuck in your head!haha.
after those singing out loud time, then came the real shopping time!!lots of stuff to buy for tomoorow. cooking ingredients and all desert thingy. hmm, not much to say for this shopping time, let's just see da pics.
this was where we started. choosing paprica. qyu loves green!
dea loves red paprika (how to spell it anyway?!!?)
me? i love the red one, the yellow one..
either is fine for me since i cant really tell which one is red and which one is yellow. hahaha. being partially colour blind is fun! but in the end we decided to take the green one. why?well, basically price does matter and budget kinda tight so cheaper is so much better. :)
arent they lovely?just like a 'real' husband and wife wanna be getting tomato for their salad dinner.. :P
chicken pok pok pok.....
mana yang ada duluan? telur ayam ato induk ayam?!?!
gak ada spaghetti merk indomie ya disini?!?!
idil pengen candid katanya..pengen candid ato lg mikir tu es krim rasa apa aja? :P
last destination of our shopping trip, cashier..
huff, it's been a tiring day. full of fun tho. cant wait for tomorrow and shut!it reminds me of the resolution i should've had by now yet im still blank bout it. haha. we'll see wat's coming up tomorrow in my head.
hmm,im having this butterfly in my stomach thingy. wondering what'll come up after this. coz sometimes it means something's unpredictable coming up.
tired and still having that missing the old sake person a bit,
signing off man.
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