Tuesday, January 27, 2009


"i like it when someone hold my hand,makes me feel safe coz i know someone's there to guard me.."

"saya lebih suka dipeluk,utk tahu keberadaanny,utk yakin ada yg masih peduli,sayang dan mau ngejaga saya.Hanya memeluk.Ga lebih.Sebuah pelukan hangat."

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saying goodbye..

"it's my last day to be here.
setelah ini..
You remain here and im somewhere else.
kembali ke dunia masing2.
it's over now,is it?
ga tau harus ngomong apa..
or how to imagine what will happen to us later.
Udah waktuny pergi..
should i say goodbye?!?
makasii yaa..
until we meet again."

Monday, January 19, 2009


cape!!akhir2 ni suka lelah ga jelas gtu. haha
very less money since a lot of things came up and more things come up again,waiting just right around the corner. haihz.

pengen ngeluh,ngomel,menyeng2, aah..sgala macem dah!huhu
pengen emo, lebay buat hal2 ga penting, sensi buat berita2 aneh.
kangen ber-emoing ria dyeh. haha
kapan yaa terakhir gue emo??


dalem hati gue udah super depressed berat berarti. cuma hati ngirim sinyal ke otak untuk tetap bikin tubuh gue tetep kayak biasa. tetep senyum, tetep becanda, tetep gila, tetep baik2 saja keliatannya. but deep down inside, level depressed gue udah mendekati ambang batas kali. kayak tanggul yang hampir jebol.
tapi seperti biasa, ga ada pilihan lain selain bersabar.

emon bilang cinta.
itu judul sonetrin of the day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Luv My Baby!!!!

been spending time with my little baby most of the time lately. hanging out, playing, fetching and picking him up of school, showering, soccer-ing and b;la bla bla. kinda feline love with him now. feels like always wanna be beside him. well, he's a part of me however. anyway, here's some of my narcissm pics me n my adorable a fi..
wuf u so dear!mmuach!

a fi's peeking smile..

i wuf my baby!! (not so baby anymore tho.. :P)

cutey a fi!

peace yo!

up up high babe!