Thursday, February 25, 2010

baby moment..

Jz finished talking to my aunty n it makes me missed home so much.
miss my baby.badly.
miss waking up in d morning,sending him to school n picking up in d afternoon.
miss forcing him to shower after his short nap.
miss making another bottle of choco milk for him when he finished d one in his hand.
Miss watching tv show with him where he will sing along in between for a commercial song.
Miss dragging him to his bed after he fall asleep in my bed.
Miss going to timezone n play hockey ball.
Miss playing in d park,camwhoring and eating bakso afterwards...
Miss lifting him when he's tired roaming around,hugging him,biting his cheek and disturbing him when drinking milk.

Hmm,I wish I cud have my own baby by my side.
Sounds impossible for this moment.
Anyway,ill be having one someday.
Ill definitely wait for it!amin.

Huff..preparing for midnite shift now.dunno how to survive with my lack of sleeping.
Ganbatte vi!

Welcome to another nite without sleeping.

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